DIA 111 / 112 – Entrando en los montes Pónticos, pensando…
» » DIA 111 / 112 – Entrando en los montes Pónticos, pensando…

DIA 111 / 112 – Entrando en los montes Pónticos, pensando…

Publicado en: Bitácora, Fotos, Turquía | 0

Leaving Sivas and entering the Pontic Mountains.
Leaving Sivas and entering the Pontic Mountains.
y dejando la ciudad de Sivas, tomando dirección Noreste hacia la ciudad de Tokat.

Probablemente también hoy me haya superado, tal vez no en distancia pero si en subidas. Estas se hacen largas, y el avanzar tan lento me ocupa la cabeza, en mil cosas y pensamientos, a veces mezclado y sin ninguna relación entre ellos.
A veces solo fijo las flores que voy pasando al costado del camino, a veces pienso en que pensaría si no tuviese este tiempo para pensar y otras veces pienso en la religión.

Pienso a mi educación y mi entorno sociocultural y me planteo preguntas a las cuales también encuentro respuestas.

Como es posible, con el avance tecnológico, con los avanzados conocimientos sobre la evolución, con los avances en genética, con toda esta cantidad de información que diferentes ciencias han sabido brindar, probar y reprobar, como es posible que aún creamos en religiones?

Como es posible que me inculquen de niño que un profeta, un ser humano terrenal, un judío sea el hijo de Dios. Como es posible que sin haberle pedido algo ya este en deuda con el? Como es posible que haya nacido por obra y gracia de un espíritu?
Y lo peor, como es posible que generaciones enteras hayan sido indoctrinadas con semejante mentira, con semejante calumnia?

Bueno, pues posible lo es, de hecho en defensa de esa doctrina se han aniquilado civilizaciones, se han empezado guerras, se ha matado y hecho sufrir.
Para defensa de tal mentira, , me obsesiono en llamarla tal, se han eliminado eruditos, se han negado leyes naturales, se han combatido postulados científicos.

Y como es posible que aun hoy, se le rinda tributo, se la siga, se la respete? Sí, hablo del cristianismo en particular por ser la religión que he conocido pero me refiero también a todas las otras religiones monoteístas, todas aquellas que han querido concentrar el poder en un solo mesías para así poder dominar mejor a las masas.

Cosas como estas me pasan por la cabeza cuando pedaleo. Y esta en particular, me pasa cada vez mas seguído. Me carga de adrenalina por la rabia y la injusticia, por la ceguera de generaciones y sobre todo por la soberbia e impunidad. Y cuanta mas adrenalina desato, mas fácil se me hacen los metros a superar, los pasos a pasar, sabiendo que en la cima, me pagará un nuevo paisaje y un mas alejado horizonte.

Sobre Tokat y las Cuevas de Ballica:

at the high plateau of the Pontic Mountains between Sivas and the Yeşilırmak Valley.
at the high plateau of the Pontic Mountains between Sivas and the Yeşilırmak Valley.
Mid-Size-Business in Central Anatolia.
Mid-Size-Business in Central Anatolia.
the first pass for today.
the first pass for today.
the Yeşilırmak Mounts
the Yeşilırmak Mounts
No, we are not in the Alps. Yeşilırmak Mountains
No, we are not in the Alps. Yeşilırmak Mountains
stoves, Tea Pots and boilers
stoves, Tea Pots and boilers
renewed old houses at Tokat.
renewed old houses at Tokat.
The Ali Pasa Hamam (turkish bath) in Tokat.
The Ali Pasa Hamam (turkish bath) in Tokat.
barrel with fresh Ayran
barrel with fresh Ayran
The Stone Inn, "VOYVODA INN" - Tasha, one of the biggest inn's in Anatolia, build by the Ottoman in the early 17th century.
The Stone Inn, “VOYVODA INN” – Tasha, one of the biggest inn’s in Anatolia, build by the Ottoman in the early 17th century.
Hot green chillies
Hot green chillies
the salesman in Tashan Inn (Caravanserai )
the salesman in Tashan Inn (Caravanserai )
Gök Madrassah. Tokat
Gök Madrassah. Tokat
A modern neighbourhood in Tokat
A modern neighbourhood in Tokat
Old houses in Tokat
Old houses in Tokat
The Stone Inn, "VOYVODA INN" - Tasha, one of the biggest inn's in Anatolia, build by the Ottoman in the early 17th century.
The Stone Inn, “VOYVODA INN” – Tasha, one of the biggest inn’s in Anatolia, build by the Ottoman in the early 17th century.
The Stone Inn, "VOYVODA INN" - Tasha, one of the biggest inn's in Anatolia, build by the Ottoman in the early 17th century.
The Stone Inn, “VOYVODA INN” – Tasha, one of the biggest inn’s in Anatolia, build by the Ottoman in the early 17th century.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The "Ballica Cave" is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.
The “Ballica Cave” is an 8 km long cave 23 km far from Tokat, in Pazar. It is made up of crystallised karstic stone that contain 96% calcium carbonate. It is a fossil cave that developed vertically and horizontally. It has five storeys connected to each thereby stalagmites, stalactites, travertine, onion stalactites, dripstone pools and various caves formations.

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