DIA 156 – Subidas y bajadas
» » DIA 156 – Subidas y bajadas

DIA 156 – Subidas y bajadas

Publicado en: Aserbaiján, Bitácora, Fotos | 0

Probably, it was de car number 114 who honk me on this day, and 3 hours left until noon.
Probably, it was de car number 114 who honk me on this day, and 3 hours left until noon.
A veces, el solo hecho de pedalear, sudar, luchar por llegar a un destino, a veces el mero hecho de estar ocupado , le brinda un reposo al pensamiento. En pocos tramos te relajas pero disfrutas de lo mejor que aún está por llegar. Alcanzar el destino luego de un día agotador es un premio que no tiene precio. Esto le sucede a cada ciclo viajero por igual. Y cuanto mayores los obstáculos, mas grande la recompensa. Parece ser a imagen y semejanza de la vida misma.

Habiendo dejado la base del Grande Cáucaso y arrimándome al Cáucaso Oriental, el paisaje se hace mas árido, lo que requiere una logística particular y bein pensada. La partida es con el amanecer y hasta el medio día, para luego de un reposo, a partir de las 4PM retomar la ruta hasta el destino siguiente.

Backgammon, Tavla, seems to be called Nerd in Azerbaijan, and the rules are quite different.
Backgammon, Tavla, seems to be called Nerd in Azerbaijan, and the rules are quite different.
max weight allowed? what is this?
max weight allowed? what is this?
we where both tired, but i felt stronger to hold him in my arms.
we where both tired, but i felt stronger to hold him in my arms.
if your mother wouldn't be so nice to take a picture of us, probably we would had shoot a selfie.
if your mother wouldn’t be so nice to take a picture of us, probably we would had shoot a selfie.
Small talk with locals.
Small talk with locals.
Azerbaijan, OK, yes, its Disneyland everywhere. When a country tries to get his lost history back, sometimes it's just bizarre and a matter of good or bad taste.
Azerbaijan, OK, yes, its Disneyland everywhere. When a country tries to get his lost history back, sometimes it’s just bizarre and a matter of good or bad taste.
max weight allowed? what is this?
max weight allowed? what is this?
you can choose your singing lamb live and you would get it fresh envolved in cellophane minutes later.
you can choose your singing lamb live and you would get it fresh envolved in cellophane minutes later.
ups and downs on the eastern Caucasus. Azerbaijan
ups and downs on the eastern Caucasus. Azerbaijan
Probably, it was de car number 114 who honk me on this day, and 3 hours left until noon.
Probably, it was de car number 114 who honk me on this day, and 3 hours left until noon.
The eastern Caucasus.
The eastern Caucasus.
Crossing the desert in the eastern Caucasus.
Crossing the desert in the eastern Caucasus.
Midle of nowhere. Amusement Park called Qobuland. Probably the most photographed spot in the area.
Midle of nowhere. Amusement Park called Qobuland. Probably the most photographed spot in the area.

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